Projet européen en France "Not too young to remember" EUROCLIO

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Notre collègue Caroline Morel (Commission Europe de l’APHG, Régionale de Lyon), nous adresse le message suivant à propos d’un appel à projet européen en France :

"Le projet fait appel à des enseignant(e)s (sans les élèves) pour monter des séquences pédagogiques autour du thème de la mémoire, avec un parallèle avec les guerres d’aujourd’hui et la Seconde Guerre mondiale, sous forme d’ateliers fin avril 2016. (...) Cette proposition s’adresse à tout collègue intéressé et membre de l’APHG".

Nous publions l’annonce (en anglais) ci-dessous, avec les pièces jointes.

Les professeurs intéressés et qui souhaitent être mis en contact avec la responsable du projet peuvent envoyer un message auprès de la commission Europe de l’APHG via le formulaire de contact "APHG" en page d’accueil (préciser "Commission Europe - Projet d’échange européen") :

La Rédaction.

"I am contacting you to touch basis about the possibility to collaborate with APHG in the frame of an international youth exchange, funded by the European Commission and organised by EEE-YFU and YFU France.

The youth exchange "Not too young to remember" will bring together 35 young people and 7 facilitators for one week in France (17-23 April), to explore the issues of remembrance, active citizenship and European identity. You can find a summary of the project and the draft programme here attached.

Participants (aged 15-18) will move physically and through time from WWI and WWII monuments to a discussion on media and conflict in the 21st century to develop their knowledge and critical sense of underlying issues that connect past conflicts to today’s challenges.

More than ever, there is a need for young people to remember the past and be critical of multiple conflicting narratives about it, in order to be empowered as active European citizens. At the same time, the challenges the EU faces in dealing with external conflicts on the European periphery (e.g. Ukraine, Syria) as well as internal ones (e.g. Euro-skepticism, refugee crises) are deeply intertwined both with the past and with the common European values and identity.

We recognise APHG has strong expertise on this topic ; we would be very interested in exploring opportunities to collaborate in the frame of this exchange, maybe by receiving your advice on the educational content, or by involving some of your members in some visits during the exchange, or by organising a specific activity that could be lead by one of your representatives.

As you can see in programme, we plan to be in Paris on April 18th, than in Reims on 19th-20th-21st, and back to Paris on 22nd.

Thank you in advance for your kind attention.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Valentina Pomatto"

Voir en pièce jointe :

  • Le résumé du projet
  • Le programme

Site internet

© Les services de la Rédaction via la Commission Europe de l’APHG - Tous droits réservés. 24/02/2016.